This project was done as part of an assignment from school to make use of Vector and Matrixcalculations to make a game mechanic, here i used it to make the flashlight area in front of the red guards to indicate areas that the player would be seen.
It was a small 2 level game, but i found it quite fun to play around with the mathematics behind the game.
Made in:
Unity with C#
This was a hobby project I did in my spare time, I had played a few games that used procedual generation as a basis for world generation so it got me interested in trying it out myself. Though it dosen look good, I found it fun playing with the theory behind it.
In the end i dident use it for anything but a little fun project on the side of my studies.
Made in:
Unity with C#
This project was an extention of my previously made generator, as part of my final school project I wanted to deepen my knowhow of procedual generation and tried to apply it to planets, on a basis where the face of the planet could be as detailed as if it was a flat plane like previously.
The generator supports face resolutions up to 64 planes per side of the planet making it 348 meshes with a resolution of 200 vertecies.
Made in:
Unity with C#
Floaty Yetty
This project was made in my C++ project, it was a clone of the popular game Flappy bird. The project made use of our own game engine made into a library that we could then use to develop the game, including gravity, collision checks and gameobjects structured after the same structure as the most common game engines. We choose to make our own engine in the project as it would show our understanding of the language and the use of OpenGL.
Made in:
Visual studio with C++
Lost Cowboy
This game was made as part of my Computer science study, It was about a Cowboy in a zombie apocalypse, having to survive. The project was about learning the Monogame framework and deepen my C# skills. The game had a few fun mechanics including that when you die it saves your name and uses it for 1 of the zombies in the next few sessions. Which we found to be a little fun thing to do.
Sourcecode can be found here:
Made in:
Monogame with C#
Politics and Catapults
This was a game made for a gamejam hosted by the school, we were a team of 4 who had to make a game in 1 day.
We choose to make a clone of a browser game we all had played before but with a political twist. And just to have some fun we kept adding more weird steriotypical things on top.
Made in:
Unity with C# and a Playground enviornment by Ahoot media.
Who helped hosing the event.
Timestamping program
This is a program I made for a small bakery that had problems with employees who sometimes forgot to write down their work hours. The main functionality is to start and end workdays and be able to split hours into different hourly rates depending on the day, time and how long they have worked there.
It incorporates a third party salary system (proløn) as this is what is used by the owners to note down workhours. It saves users work into a database which the program uses to show and post the work to the salary system.
Made in:
C# and WinForms for simplicity.
uses Azure for Database
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